10.30 AM To 08.00 PM All 7 Days in a week


Rs. 100/- (Mandatory to all members)

Members can obtain separate Library Cards for borrowing books. Only 3 Books will be issued at a time.
Admission to the Library is open to all members. Spouse and Dependent Children of the member can also utilize the facility. Every member is entitled to borrow three books and two old magazines at a time and may be returned on due date, which is 15 days.

Current Magazines, Journals, Periodicals and any reference books are to be read only inside the Library.

The books borrowed would be allowed to be kept for a maximum of 15 days at a time and the Magazines for a period seven days only. Any extension beyond this period would be subject to there being no prior demand for the book. However, books must be produced at the Library for such extension.
Books / Magazines borrowed by the Library member (including spouse / dependent) should be returned to the Library on the due date. In case of default, the Library members will have to pay a fine of Rs.2/- for each day’s delay for book and Re. 1/- for each day’s delay for Magazines.

Reservation of books which are in circulation may be made with the Librarian and such books will be made available to members in the order of reservation.
Members are requested to ensure that books are returned in good condition without tearing, ink marking, notations, folding of corners etc.
Any damage to the books at the time of borrowing should be pointed out to the Librarian.
Any damages caused to books will be debited to the members account and the cost of damage would be as determined by the Club Management.

In case a book is lost, members will be charged at actual replacement cost, which will be determined by the Club Management.

A Library Member / Spouse / Dependent are welcome to give suggestions regarding addition to be made to the Library. For this purpose a suggestion books is available with the Librarian.
No member shall take away or mutilate periodicals and Newspapers which are provided for the use of members in the Club premises.
